Rich guys, successful internet businessmen, Money Twitter chads, Tinder players, conservatives, MAGAbros, politically incorrect accounts, and all non-soy men:
You’re in danger.
Here’s why the new government, corporations, big tech, and even your neighbors are out to get you.
Look. Here's the truth.
The internet and society at large are no longer friendly to successful, achieving, rich men. If you’re a T supporter, a conservative, or just plain against the norm, even worse.If you’re any of the above, you’re being targeted without even realizing it.One wrong move or opinion could completely ruin your life.
- Successful guys are continuously targeted for their money (More on this below).- Cancel culture ruins lives every day.- People get fired from their jobs for having the wrong opinion.- Innocent guys get a fake #MeToo from vindictive females, permanently ruining reputations, job future, and even lives entirely.- Angry, sociopathic social justice terrorists disguised as activists doxx and harass entire families for mildly questioning the mainstream narrative.
And they are not alone. In fact, they are 100% backed by the most gigantic, most powerful titans in the world:
Entire corporations across all industries.
Authoritarian international governments.
The entirety of Big Tech and psycho technocrats.
From Coca - Cola to JP Morgan, to Airlines, to Uber, to almost any company you can think of.
From the new (And illegitimate) Democratic presidency to dystopian regimes of Canada, the UK, and Australia, whose repression efforts are straight out of an African warlord dictator's playbook.
From:- Netflix and its questionable shows.
- Facebook and its fake news algorithm that portrays propaganda as truth and facts as hate speech.
- Twitter and its rampant suppression of everyone that isn't a liberal.
- Amazon prying into your home and weaponizing your very own thoughts against you.
If you don't see the issue with this, let me put it this way:
- Governments want you arrested and punished for not conforming to the mainstream (Think about how almost no BLM people were arrested but tweeting about the Capitol riots got people targeted by the FBI).- Corporations and advertising companies want to strip your entire life naked and whore you out to companies to sell you more stuff. Ever talked about something and then got an ad for it? That's one of the dozen of sneaky ways Amazon and plenty of others invade your privacy for profit.- Big tech wants you brainwashed, gagged, and stupidized, so you're easier to manipulate.
Don't get me started on the average "normie".
The average normie is jealous, toxic, envious, and probably votes left. If you're successful in life and business, the average person can be just as dangerous of an enemy as the monstrous institutions mentioned above.
- You can get robbed at gunpoint if you flaunt wealth at the wrong time.- Harassed or attacked for owning a red cap with white letters.- Attract plenty of low-quality people into your life, such as lawsuit lovers, gold diggers, fake friends, #MeToo girls.- And many others that will happily make your life miserable for profit.
The point of all of this is that they don't want you to be successful, they don't want you to have freedom, they don't want you to live your life the way you want to.
There are two kinds of people that are knowledgeable in this information:Criminals and billionaires. They both need to stay under the radar because their safety depends on it.
If you're reading this you might be built different - And the world hates that.
And now, yours too - Because you can get attacked on multiple various fronts, some you didn’t even know existed. No politician, movement, or third party can save; only you can save yourself.
Here's how.
Deploy the right software stack to block 24/7 internet tracking (Hint: a VPN is not enough).
According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, big tech has a very specific fingerprint of you. (4)They manage to identify:- Your devices
- Your browser.
- What tabs you got open.
- What accounts you're logged in to.
- Your internet habits.
- Your purchases.
- The type of content you watch.
- The girls you stalk on IG even if you do it from your phone.
- The accounts you follow, and you will follow (They can predict your actions with ease thanks to their 24/7 self-learning algorithm).
They have a scarily extensive dossier weighing gigabytes and gigabytes of info on you and almost everyone with a computer. It even includes your birthday and home address if you live in some areas of the world.
If you use cloud storage, they can read your files and even see your nudes.
In this section, you’ll learn how to:- Delete what they know about you.
- Disable tracking on almost all platforms and apps you use - for good.
- Prevent future intrusions in your life and privacy by using the “fake information” methodology and software stack I curate for myself and my friends.Does this mean you have to go full Snowden and use obscure Linux laptops and put tinfoil on your router when you go to sleep? Not at all. The solution provided in this guide adheres to reality since it’s designed to adapt to the average human’s life (With something valuable to lose) and not tech nuts.
Become undoxable.
Big tech also poses another significant risk they cannot protect you from, and that’s something they can’t fix on their end - But you can.
Doxers and hackers constantly attack big platforms’ security flaws to reveal usernames, passwords, names, ages, and your location.
In February of this year, someone has already hacked 3.2 billion email addresses and passwords (5).